jaqalpaq.transpilers.projectq package

class jaqalpaq.transpilers.projectq.JaqalBackend(outfile=None, one_qubit_gate_map=None, two_qubit_gate_map=None, native_gates=None)

Bases: projectq.cengines._basics.BasicEngine

A ProjectQ backend that converts the input circuit to Jaqal, building a jaqalpup.core.Circuit object which can be retrieved with the circuit property. If an output file is supplied, it also writes the Jaqal code to it when the engine is flushed.

  • outfile (str) – Optionally specify a path to output Jaqal code to. If omitted, the Jaqal program is only available via the circuit property.

  • one_qubit_gate_map (dict or None) – A dictionary mapping ProjectQ gate classes to functions taking as arguments an instance of that class and a jaqalpup.core.NamedQubit and returning a tuple of arguments for jaqalpup.core.Circuit.build_gate(). Defaults to a mapping from projectq.ops.Rx, projectq.ops.Ry, projectq.ops.Rz, projectq.ops.X, projectq.ops.Y, and projectq.ops.SqrtX to their QSCOUT counterparts.

  • two_qubit_gate_map (dict or None) – A dictionary mapping ProjectQ gate classes to functions taking as arguments an instance of that class and two jaqalpup.core.NamedQubit ojects and returning a tuple of arguments for jaqalpup.core.Circuit.build_gate(). Defaults to a mapping from projectq.ops.Rxx and projectq.ops.Ryy to QSCOUT’s Mølmer-Sørenson gate.

  • native_gates (dict or None) – The native gate set to target. If None, target the QSCOUT native gates.

property circuit

Allows access to the Jaqal circuit generated by the transpilation process.


Returns whether Jaqal supports the specified command for transpilation. Any gate in the QSCOUT native gate set, as well as measure, allocate, deallocate, and barrier statements, are supported. Controlled gates are not supported. The jaqalpaq.transpilers.projectq.get_engine_list() function provides the ProjectQ engines that will compile a circuit to this gate basis.


cmd (projectq.ops.Command) – The command for which to check availability.


Converts each instruction in the input into its Jaqal equivalent and saves it. This should rarely be called directly by users; usually it will be called by projectq.cengines.MainEngine.


command_list (list(projectq.ops.Command)) – The ProjectQ program to convert.


Creates a list of engines that compile to QSCOUT’s native gate set.


The engines.

Return type
